Thursday, 20 February 2014


Causeway U3A Current Affairs –13Feb14

It's cold, it's wet, it's February and yes, it's our old hunting ground, the Cromore Halt. And hey! it's a big turn out today for the Jerry Show. Here we are, all cozied up on our comfy sofas, dunking our Hobnobs, ready to solve the world's problems. Today's introductions tell a story of successful careers, travel, social engagement and continued ambition. Quite a scary lot, really! And of course our Jerry has come up trumps again with his choice of topics. From Sinn Fein councillors to Marius the giraffe ............ this will be fun!

TOPIC: Will we ever get over the Education panel debate?

Will we ever get over the Education panel debate?

I’m beginning to suspect that this question isn’t even about the Education Panel at all! If it had ever been about the Education Panel we would have had it done and dusted long ago. This is actually a question about us. Who are we? What are we? Why are we? Much more interesting!

The Question:
Did we let our educational panel off too lightly?   Is Mervyn’s ‘it is very complicated but we all say similar words and it will take a long time’, a politician’s excuse? Helen’s this is what I want for my child is nice but how many types of education can we afford? PJ’s implication that teacher’s values and passion is only available in faith based schools? Prof Smith’s you cannot afford all of this was ignored.

TOPIC: Feed him to the lions! Marius the Giraffe

Feed him to the lions! Marius the Giraffe

How could they? How could they slaughter that lovely wee giraffe in a ghoulish sideshow in front of all those teensy weensy children like that? How could they feed him to the lions for all to see? The outrage! The horror! The furore! ……… but actually, hey…….wait a minute, when you think of it …….. Isn’t it the role of a zoo to educate? Isn’t it much more hypocritical to ferry redundant animals off to abattoirs and kill them behind closed doors?  And I’m pretty sure giraffe is exactly what those lions should be eating. Much better for them than any of the stuff they get most days. I beginning to think I’m with Copenhagen on this one after all.

The Question:
The culling of Marius the giraffe in Copenhagen zoo to prevent inbreeding, has caused a huge backlash particularly in Britain and Ireland. Are we in these islands over emotional and sympathetic towards animals? Why should this be the case, particularly in Ireland when many of us are close to farming, where farmers have to cull animals on a frequent basis?

TOPIC: Who do you blame for the floods?

Who do you blame for the floods?

Water, water everywhere ............ although not in Windsor or Eton of course! The opening of the Jubilee River in 2002 redirected the threat of flooding away from such regal towns over towards Wraysbury which is now swimming in several feet of water. Funny that!

The Question: Are the floods in the South of England and Ireland a consequence of global warming? Politicians worldwide have accepted the likely raising of global temperature by 2 degrees and this for example is being taken into consideration in sea defence planning. If global warming activists are correct this temperature raise could go higher with the consequences leading to sea water levels rising significantly and major shifts in our weather. Is concern for the public’s loss of interest in climate change and the costs of alternatives to CO2 emitting energy production and transportation weakening politicians commitment to meeting European and International targets. What are we doing about the CO2 emissions of our lifestyles?   

TOPIC: Cronyism in the Bank The AngloIrish Bank Trial

Cronyism in the Bank The AngloIrish Bank Trial

He says ……….. she says ………….backslapping…………….underhand ……………. overhand ………….don’t tell the regulators but ……… Is this the Irish Mafia we are hearing about? Have we all been transported across the seas to Southern Italy in our sleep? Whatever happened to the age old virtues of honour, professionalism, responsibility and loyal service? When did our bankers start thinking it was perfectly fine to be corrupt?

The Question:
The trial of senior members of the AngloIrish bank has commenced. Already claims are being raised that the Regulators knew all about the wheeze of loaning bank money to Mr Quinn to buy shares in Anglo to boost the share price, etc.. Perhaps members of the Dail were also aware as Mr Fitzpatrick was close to Bertie Ahern. An example of Cronyism? As in last meetings point about the Abbey Theatre claim ‘cruelty’ against the Irish Times, can we avoid cronyism in small communities?

TOPIC: The right to practise your beliefs


First off, the Catherine Seeley story. It's the stuff of films really, isn't it? Young, ambitious teacher with a strong, (if misguided) belief system bullied out of her job by a pack of guys with a contrary, strong, (and even more misguided) belief system. But will it all end with good conquering over evil (so to speak) or is it just another case of Groundhog Day Norn Ireland style?

 The Question

Catherine Seeley a nationalist teacher, was driven out of the Boys Model school in a unionist area by on-line threats. She did get herself elected as a Sinn Fein Councillor but in our so called shared society what excuse is this for the Protestant Coalition group to object to her employment at the school. Is sectarianism getting worse in our community? Will no one stand up to these bully-boys? Yet again where are our political leaders? Who is raising this in the Assembly? Should this effect our voting at the next election and if so how?