Thursday, 8 May 2014

Causeway U3A Current Affairs - 20/03/2014

Causeway U3A Current Affairs - 20/03/2014


Can you believe it's March already? It's almost not dark, the daffs are nearly out and here we are back in the Cromore. Our Jerry is off on his travels to Myanmar, lucky sod! but hey, the show must go on, and there's always our very own Johnny Mont to take over the role of maestro this month. And doesn't he do well? We've got our questions, a cuppa's on the way, a wee jam roll ............. and hey presto, we're off!


Who needs a comfy chair anyway? Ok, so maybe we are usurped from our rightful place on the sofas upstairs by a few academics in search of  the answer to the universe (they're on the wrong floor if you ask me!) but that doesn't mean we can't have a perfectly vibrant roundtable discussion even if it is at a rectangular table in the restaurant downstairs. So let us begin ................


Jobs are us!

With the loss of the DVA office in Coleraine, is this a sign that Westminster is determined to centralise departments as a money-saving method, regardless of cost and damage to local communities. Should our MLAs now be looking at creating job opportunities in the private sector as we will no longer be able to depend on civil service pay packets?


NHS in crisis? What? Never!

Is the health service in crisis? Have we too many chiefs at the expense of medical staff? Why is no-one prepared to accept responsibility for the chaos in emergency departments? Is it right that staff should be charged for parking or is this another easy money-making scheme? out!

Given the unrest in Ukraine, are the Western powers right to become involved in support of the Ukranian government, or are they doing it for their own self interests? Borders in that region have changed many times without any complaint. Is it a question of trying to 'get Putin out' before a new Cold War starts.


St. Paddy Fest!

As tourism is often cited as one of Northern Ireland's biggest employers and money-spinners, are we missing out because of our divided society? St Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide, with over 100 iconic landmarks globally turning 'green' for the day. St Patrick is synonymous with Ulster, with sheep on Slemish, buried in Downpatrick and founding the bishopric in Armagh.


With 17 th March being celebrated everywhere I wonder how many know the dates of St George's Day, St Andrew's Day and St. David's Day!



"I can't forget but I don't remember why" (Leonard Cohen)

With all the furore over the OTR secret deal, is it time to call a halt to the past and what happened? Our parties cannot find a way to agree, even with outside help, so it is a hard choice. Most young people aged 20 and under know nothing about what went on during 'The Troubles'. Should our energy not be spent in making efforts to build a future for them rather than continually live in the past, whether it is 30 years, 100 years or 300 years?


"No parking here" (Jimmy Littlejohn)

With Minister Mark H. Durban pushing for planning laws to help promote and sustain town centres, would it not be a big help if car parking was free?


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