A serious lack of clarity here too in our very own homeland. Without any consultation with us locals the government has allocated permits allowing five companies to explore the possibility of fracking in Northern Ireland. And we are right in the centre of one of the five targeted areas. They kept that quiet, didn’t they? The risks from the fracking process are largely unknown but in Australia local residents have talked of ponds catching fire, an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reduced sunlight and certain pollution. Australia is a big country with lots of uninhabited areas. We aren’t. And then there’s the increased risk of earthquakes such as the recent one in Blackpool. We just do not know enough yet and it is far too early to allow such explorations. The government has too high a vested interest as fracking does offer economic benefits. Can we be sure that any research will be carried out with full integrity? And are we ready to sell our souls so that we can all watch Holby City in the evenings? Or read our blog? Or write comments on our blog? I feel a petition coming on……………. Where’s Cliodhna?
See below - petition has already been sent 2011. Need to find out results and as to why they have not been published!
ReplyDeleteCampaigns and Petitions
Please sign this petition to stop Fracking in Northern Ireland!
Northern Ireland, No Fracking Required Here
This petition was published by Protect our Environment-No Fracking Here on Aug 17, 2011
We, the undersigned, call on the Northern Ireland Assembly to place an immediate and permanent ban on the process known as Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) and all related preparatory and exploratory work in Northern Ireland.