Monday, 25 February 2013

TOPIC - The Integrated Education Debate

It’s that old hot potato again! Backwards and forwards. Do we, don’t we? Should we, shouldn’t we? Parental choice, human rights, the good of the country, the Catholic Church, the Status quo, the Economic Crisis. How do we? Why do we? Where do we? When do we? How many excuses can we continue to make?
The truth is we all know Integrated Education makes sense. Recent research shows we all want it, Catholic, Protestant, Nationalist, Unionist, male, female, parents, non- parents. We all want an integrated system of schooling, fit for purpose. Our politicians seem to be the only ones who wish to maintain the status quo. And the other thing is that it most certainly does not make sense not to make a move towards Integrated Education. Politicians talk of ‘Shared Education’ as if it’s enough. But we all know that this is a fudge, an apology, a nonsense. ‘Shared Education’ does nothing to address the underlying message of difference we are presently laying on our children. For ‘Shared Education’ read ‘Separate Development’, read ‘Entrenchment’, read ‘Continued Violence’, read ‘Same Old, Same Old’.
The French did it all in 1789. Napoleon Bonaparte set up a system the French nation are still proud of. A system encapsulating ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité.’ Perhaps 226 years later in Northern Ireland we might be ready to take a step towards a system of Education which offers freedom, equality and brotherhood. It worked for the French.  Mind you, they did have to behead a few people to make it work!
Now this is the bit where I ask you to add comments if you like. But mostly I want you to sign a petition, a petition from Causeway U3A, available soon. A petition demanding our right to a fair, free, equal, cohesive system of education, one for all and all for one, a positive legacy for our grandchildren. Because as L’Oréal would say, they are worth it, aren’t they?

1 comment:

  1. All education should be integrated. If the government had the nerve to reduce payments to schools which were not integrated they would soon conform. As our Gov't is providing the funds they should be able to specify terms for receipt of funding.
