Tuesday, 5 November 2013

TOPIC: Immigrants - the Mediteranean as a graveyard

Question One

Just one week after a boat sank near the Italian island of Lampedusa with the loss of 300 lives, a vessel capsized near Malta. This time a prompt rescue operation by both Maltese and Italian coastguard authorities resulted in many of the immigrants being saved and a much lower death toll – about 30. Media reports say there are many thousands more migrants gathering on the coasts of Lybia and Tunisia to wait for a clandestine crossing to Italy – desperate people fleeing war and dictatorships. The PM of Malta has described the Mediterranean as a ‘cemetery’. The Pope says the situation is ‘a disgrace’. The president of Italian Red Cross has called for humanitarian corridors to be opened. How should we in Europe respond? What can be done?


Why not do away with our borders for a start? People only undertake these dangerous, clandestine journeys because they have no alternative. They are fleeing wars, oppression and abject poverty. Life in these countries is for some, untenable. They have no alternative but to flee. Nobody leaves their own country without good reason. So why don’t we just raise our borders and let them in? We are all human beings, citizens of the same world. Who gives us the right to deny anyone access to a better life? If they want to come here, let them in….and make is easy for them. Provide safe passage, good, secure transport. Just because I was born in Europe does not mean I own this land. Nor does it mean I can keep my fellow humans from moving in next door. In fact I have a responsibility to ensure that all fellow humans in the world have access to the same human rights that I enjoy: a safe home, nourishment, access to education….. All those rights we have fought for and laid out in print should belong to the whole human race, not just to Europeans.

People are by nature nomadic. Our survival through the ages has depended on our ability to search out a safer environment, a richer, more fertile land. Why deny our fellow humans the right to live in a safe, fair society? It is merely our greed and our lack of humanity that pushes us to describe these fellow citizens of the world as a problem, a drain on our resources. We live here in a world of plenty, relatively speaking, with many Europeans enjoying huge wealth. While some in our own land are still in need, there is more than enough to go round.

And what of the question of sustainability? If so many migrants end up in Europe surely this will lead to overcrowding? Not so. People migrate to areas where there are sufficient jobs, where there is appropriate housing. Look at Northern Ireland! We have unbelievably low numbers of immigrants precisely because they know that there is a lack of sustainability here. People only migrate to areas where there is surplus.

The myth of ‘immigrants taking our jobs and using up our resources’ is one that has been largely developed by our present politicians, driven by greed, individualistic objectives and political ambition. We the good citizens of the world need to reclaim our responsibility to diffuse a more global sense of responsibility throughout Europe. It is time for us to proclaim our responsibility towards our African cousins by ensuring their safe passage to our less troubled lands.

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